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Welcome to Certified Payroll Advisors Business Brokerage Services

At Certified Payroll Advisors, we understand that you have poured your heart and soul into your business. You deserve to have an exit strategy that will compensate you adequately for your hard work. Our goal is to honestly navigate you through the process of selling your business and achieving your goals..

Contact Us

We have compiled some basic requirements to get started with:

  1. Assemble your team of experts: In addition to us helping you broker your deal you will also want to have a trusted attorney and accountant. We will gladly work with anyone you already have established relationships with or provide you proven and trusted professionals we work with.
  2. Establish top 5 goals expected to achieve by selling your business.
  3. Business Assets List: This will not only include real estate owned but also equipment, open contracts, inventory, vehicles and bank/investments accounts.
  4. Company P&L and Balance sheet reports for the past 3 years as well as current. These will be the most important documents which will sell your business for the correct price and valuation.
  5. Business licenses and permits: While not exactly an asset, current and active licenses will be an immense selling point to convey to prospective purchasers that your business is turn-key and they will be able to hit the ground running
  6. Confidentiality agreements: Your business is your business and should be treated as such by any party involved in the sale of it. You have developed a successful business and your recipe is an asset. All information about your business should remain confidential and should be done so by having the correct legal agreements in place prior to moving forward with anyone.
  7. Transition strategies will prove to not only be important after selling for the buyer but also for negotiating your sale. Making sure that you set limits to what you are willing to provide in the transition period is not only important for you to have in mind but also to be documented prior to listing your business in order to create a seamless transition to allow you to move on successfully.

Let us help you achieve your goals!

Documents necessary to start the process

The following are essential documents that you will need to prepare when you are selling your business and organize your small business sale checklist. Before you meet with a business broker, attorney, financial planner or accountant, organize these essential documents for their review to help guide you:

  • Tax returns – Businesses should submit tax returns for the last 3 years
  • Most recent Profit & Loss (P&L) statement
  • Lease agreements – These are used to lease equipment, vehicles, and property.
  • Employee information
  • Property information (if selling)
  • Business entity information
  • Environmental information
  • Licenses (i.e. business, health department, liquor, etc.)
  • Partnership agreements if any

Certified Payroll Advisors provides valuable assistance in business brokerage by offering a range of services that ensure financial accuracy, regulatory compliance, and insightful analysis. Here’s how Certified Payroll Advisors can support you in the business brokerage process:

Financial Due Diligence

Certified Payroll Advisors conducts thorough financial due diligence, which is crucial for evaluating the true financial health of a business. This involves:

  • Reviewing Financial Statements: Analyzing balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to assess profitability and financial stability.
  • Verifying Financial Records: Ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the financial data presented by the seller.
  • Identifying Red Flags: Spotting any discrepancies, unusual transactions, or potential financial risks that could affect the value of the business.

Accurate Valuation Support

Certified Payroll Advisors helps in the accurate valuation of a business by providing:

  • Detailed Financial Analysis: Using historical financial data and future projections to estimate the business’s worth.
  • Benchmarking: Comparing the business’s financial performance with industry standards to determine its competitive standing.
  • Asset Appraisal: Assessing the value of tangible and intangible assets, including equipment, inventory, intellectual property, and goodwill.

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with financial and tax regulations is critical in business brokerage. Certified Payroll Advisors ensures:

  • Adherence to Tax Laws: Verifying that the business complies with all relevant tax laws and regulations, avoiding potential legal issues.
  • Payroll Compliance: Ensuring that payroll practices are in line with federal and state laws, which is vital for businesses with employees.
  • Documentation: Providing all necessary financial documentation required for legal and regulatory purposes during the sale process.

Streamlining Financial Processes

Efficient financial processes can significantly enhance the appeal of a business to potential buyers. Certified Payroll Advisors offers:

  • Organized Financial Records: Maintaining well-organized and up-to-date financial records that facilitate smoother transactions.
  • Automated Payroll Solutions: Implementing automated payroll systems that improve accuracy and reduce manual errors.
  • Expense Management: Establishing effective expense tracking and management systems to optimize cost control.

Financial Reporting and Communication

Clear and transparent financial reporting is essential in business brokerage. Certified Payroll Advisors provides:

  • Comprehensive Financial Reports: Preparing detailed financial reports that offer clear insights into the business’s financial health.
  • Regular Updates: Providing regular updates and reports to keep stakeholders informed throughout the brokerage process.
  • Financial Insights: Offering expert financial insights and recommendations to both buyers and sellers to aid in informed decision-making.

Confidentiality and Professionalism

Maintaining confidentiality and professionalism is crucial in business brokerage. Certified Payroll Advisors ensures:

  • Confidential Handling of Data: Protecting sensitive financial information and ensuring that all data is handled with the utmost confidentiality.
  • Professional Conduct: Adhering to professional standards and ethical practices to build trust with clients and stakeholders.

By providing these comprehensive services, Certified Payroll Advisors plays a critical role in facilitating successful business transactions, ensuring that both buyers and sellers have a clear understanding of the financial aspects involved, and ultimately contributing to the smooth and profitable transfer of business ownership.