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Diving for social distancing

I’m not sure what activity could be more conducive to social distancing than SCUBA or Freediving! It’s a pretty AWESOME hobby to take up. I got certified at Jupiter Dive Center, the classes were great and I didn’t realize how amazing my first dive was until I spoke to others who had been certified elsewhere. Some told me about getting certified in quarries which don’t sound like ANY fun but you do what it takes right?

A few tips

  • Groupon has great deals on certification classes
  • Rent SCUBA gear first so you know what’s comfortable and to your taste
  • If you wear glasses, spend the extra money on either prescription lenses or drop-in lenses for your goggles, they are AMAZING!
  • Invite a friend to get certified with you
  • Do not cheap out on Fins

Here are a few links for you

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