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Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:
Suzanne Davis
Coastal Business Evolution, LLC

Phase One of reopening Florida is HERE for everyone reading this newsletter. While there are challenges in adapting to a new way of doing business in this phase, business owners see this as a step in the right direction. Whether you’ve ventured out into the new normal or not, Phase One represents the first step to returning to business as usual. So, the obvious question that everyone has is: When do we enter Phase Two and what does it mean?

Here is a quick refresher of what Phase One means:

  • Restaurants, retail, barber shops and hair salons can operate at 25% of indoor capacity. Restaurants can also offer outdoor seating with 6 food spacing.
  • Elective surgeries are now allowed.

Not a lot of change from the stay at home order-but a forward step.

When can we enter Phase Two of the three-phase plan “Smart, Step-by-Step Plan for Florida Recovery” presented by Governor DeSantis? Well, it is the Governor’s hope we will pass through the phases in weeks, not months, but a deadline date is not currently in sight. It all hinges upon the success of Phase One. What success looks like depends upon three distinct benchmarks:

  • No evidence of a rebound and resurgence of COVID-19 cases
  • Maintaining hospital bed capacity
  • Monitoring of the COVID-19 positive test rate

So, Phase Two will be totally data driven and we can’t enter it until we are ready and the benchmarks set forth by the Governor have been reached.

What do we have to look forward to in Phase Two? A further lessening of restrictions and more types of businesses beginning to operate. Currently this is what Phase Two will look like:

  • Restaurants, retail, barber shops and salons can increase indoor capacity to 75% while adhering to appropriate social distancing. Signage promoting social distancing should be in place.
  • Gyms and fitness centers can reopen at 75% capacity. Patrons must be separated by 6 feet, social distancing and sanitation protocols must be in place.
  • Movie theaters, concert halls, auditoriums, bowling alleys, arcades can reopen at 75% with strict social distancing and parties cannot exceed ten people.
  • Large spectator sporting event should limit venue capacity to 50% and use strict social distancing.
  • Public beaches will fully reopen.
  • State parks will be open during the day with no overnight accommodations. Large activities will not be permitted.
  • Vacation rentals can reopen for instate reservations.
  • Individuals can resume non-essential travel.
  • Employers should continue to encourage telecommuting while they prepare to implement when employees can fully come back to work. A plan should be in place to screen employees before they come back to work and if practical take their temperature each day.
  • Local government meetings of nor more than 50 people can resume.

Phase Two means a significant increase in openings and movement closer to what we are used to experiencing. Hopefully, all the Covid-19 safety measures set forth by the Governor’s office including social distancing will get us there safely.

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