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Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:
Suzanne Davis
Coastal Business Evolution, LLC

Most of us desperately crave a sense of peace and calm amid all the craziness going on that is beyond our control. Economic uncertainty, the complex unemployment system, a pandemic and yes now a tropical storm can leave even the hardiest of us frazzled. So, we decided to look at ways we could all me a little more Zen in our daily lives which lead us to the topics of mindfulness and meditation.

But aren’t they one and the same? The answer, not exactly. The confusion comes in because they are often used in the same context, they have practical applications that are intertwined, and they embody may similarities.

Mindfulness is clearly defined for us by as “the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us”. One can cultivate this human ability through meditation, mindful eating, mindful movement, and several other ways that become your mindfulness practice.

Benefits of mindfulness include:

  • Improved physical health
  • Improved mental health
  • Improved overall sense of well being

At we found all kinds of free mindfulness exercises for individuals and groups. You can even find mindfulness exercises for your anxious child.

Simply put, you can practice mindful meditation, but there are other ways to achieve mindfulness!

Meditation is defined by Yogapedia is “is a contemplative practice, engaged in across various religious and spiritual traditions as a means of quieting, focusing and transforming the mind. Meditation cultivates self-awareness and provides the optimum conditions for practicing the skill of mindfulness”. Meditation is often used to bring about personal or spiritual growth.

Benefits of meditation include:

  • Reduced stress and the management of anxiety and depression
  • Improved self-awareness and self-esteem
  • Better concentration and the ability to focus
  • Pain control and relief
  • A way to fight addictions
  • Promotes altruism

Looking for a comprehensive clear guide to meditation, it can be found in a NY Times Wellness
. It also Meditation provides the optimal conditions for mindfulness but is not the only way to achieve it. In addition, Meditation which is focusing more onward has some additional benefits.

Want to further practice mindfulness and meditation? Of course, we found apps for that!

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