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At Certified Payroll Advisors our clients rely on us to help them stay compliant. Complying with Florida wage and hour laws is important for businesses operating in the state to avoid legal and financial liabilities. Here are some key points to keep in mind:Certified Payroll Advisors

  1. Minimum Wage: Florida’s minimum wage is currently $11 per hour, but it will change September 30th 2023 annually based on inflation. Employers must pay employees at least the minimum wage for all hours worked. If you are a tipped establishment make sure to us this calculator to figure your wages. If you have employees in or are completely based out of other states visit the Department of Labor website to find your state. At Certified Payroll Advisors we have clients all over the US and can help you regardless the state you are in.
  2. Overtime: Non-exempt employees must receive overtime pay for any hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek at a rate of 1.5 times their regular rate of pay.
  3. Record-keeping: Employers must maintain accurate records of employees’ hours worked, wages paid, and other employment-related information. These records must be kept for at least three years. This is not an issue our clients worry about since we keep this in digital form and can be accessed at anytime.
  4. Breaks: Employers are not required to provide meal or rest breaks to employees under Florida law, but if they do, breaks of 20 minutes or less must be paid.
  5. Deductions: Employers can only make deductions from an employee’s wages if they are required by law or authorized by the employee.
  6. Child Labor: Florida has strict child labor laws that limit the hours and types of jobs that minors can work.
  7. Notice Requirements: Employers must provide employees with written notice of their rate of pay, pay period, and designated paydays.
  8. Equal Pay: Employers are prohibited from paying employees of different sexes different wages for the same work unless the wage differential is based on factors such as seniority, merit, or productivity.

It’s important for employers to stay up to date with any changes to Florida wage and hour laws. With Certified Payroll Advisors you have access to HR resources, Labor Posters, and many other points of reference to make sure you are compliant and up to date on all regulations. Visit our Services Page to see all of the support we can provide to your business and please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help today. You can also call us at 772-208-9655

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