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Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:
Suzanne Davis
Coastal Business Evolution, LLC

Gyms and fitness centers have reopened at 50%, but not everyone is ready to go back just yet. If you are one of those who are waiting to test the waters or have decided that a gym membership is not in the budget right now, there are alternatives. And no, you do not need to make space for a full set of weights. You can get the benefits of a full body workout with just one simple, easy to store (you fold it up in fact) inexpensive piece of “equipment”—the therapy band.

Originally used for physical therapy and often used in Pilates, the long flat resistance band is extremely versatile allowing you to use it in a multitude of ways. You can go brand name and purchase TheraBand for just $10.99.

So, for a little cash you can reap big fitness rewards. Here are the benefits of using the therapy band.

  • Same muscle activity as weight training, but much less chance of injury. You are not going to break a toe if you drop your band on your foot. It is also a lower force on your joints.
  • Even more muscle stimulus because you are receiving resistance throughout the entire range of motion.
  • Core activation and stabilization. The band provides constant tension which requires stabilization to maintain form-core activation is necessary to control the band and for balance.
  • Improved strength and athletic performance. With the instability, variable resistance and increased load bands are extremely effective for athletic training improving neuromuscular performance and strength more than weight training by itself.
  • A multitude of exercise options. You can perform exercises in a great number of positions and there is no need for an exercise bench!
  • Increase mobility. Bands can be used for stretching increases your range of motion and flexibility.

In addition to the multiple ways to use the bands, there are also multiple resources that you can find on HOW to use them by simply searching online. One of our favorite resources is   which describes in detail 33 exercises reaching specific parts of your body. Experiencing back pain or stiffness from too many ZOOM conferences? We found some great back strengthening exercises on   Arms less than summer-ready? We found five quick effective arm exercises on

With a portable, inexpensive therapy band, there is no need to resist stepping up your fitness game anywhere, anytime—with no gym membership required.

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